Usage: Plant growth regulator  

Active ingredient: 6-Benzyladenine 18,8 gr/L +  Gibberellins A4/A7 18,5 gr/L

Formulation type: Soluble (liquid) concentrate (SL)
Group: IRAC


Special growth regulator on apple and pear management for

maximum fruit quality and yield.

POLYAS  is a mixture of two naturally occurring plant growth regulators for use on apples and pears: gibberellic acid 4 and 7 (GA4/A7), which cause cell enlargement and elongation, and 6-benzyladenine (6-BA) which promotes cell division. When applied according to label directions to healthy, well-managed trees and under favourable weather conditions, increases lateral bud break and shoot growth, improves branch angles, and provides a better tree framework for early cropping.


General directions for using the product according to local recommendations in Turkey;



Application Period and Target


(100 L water)


Red varieties
(Starking etc)

To enhancing fruit size and standard fruit.
One application when 60% to 80% of flowering period.

60 to 100 ml

Yellow varieties
(Golden delicious etc)

Against rust on fruits

First application: at full flowering

Second application: When petal leaved fall

Third application: 10 days after the second application

70 ml

Yellow varieties
(Golden delicious etc)

To enhancing fruit size and standard fruit and thin peel

First application: when petal leaves start fall

Second application: 7 days after the first application

Third application: 10 days after the second application

60 to 100 ml

Young seedlings.
(all kinds)

Apply the product at the early growing period of 1 to 3 years old trees on early spring to help to grow trees, stimulate the new shoots and early fruit set on seedlings.

200 ml


Williams and

the other varieties

To enhancing fruit size and standard fruit.
First application:  when petal leaves start fall

Second application: 7 to 10 days after the first application

60 ml


Half fill the spray tank with clean water. Add the required amount of the product into the tank and fill up the tank with clean water while agitating. Keep agitating while spraying. Use a

properly-calibrated sprayer to ensure uniform and complete coverage of all foliage and developing fruit. Spray volumes should be adjusted for tree size and density.

Increases number of fruit buds and fruit set in apple and pear.

Improves the size of apples and pears through fruit elongation and development.

Increases fruit size and weight on most apple varieties.

Reduces russet on fruits.

COMPATIBILITY: Do not mix and use it with the other products, use it alone.


Please contact us for more information about the product.Mail to : info@dogaltrm.com