Usage: Plant growth regulator  

Active ingredient: Chlormequat chloride 460 gr/L

Formulation type: Soluble (liquid) concentrate (SL)


DURDURAN 3C  is a soluble concentre, broad-spectrum plant growth improver. It taken up mainly through the green parts of plants, absorbed through leaves, branches, buds, the root system, control the plant excessive growth and cut down the knot of plant to be short, strong, coarse, root system to prosper and resist lodging. Leaves will be greener and thicker. The content of chlorophyll will increase and the photosynthesis will reinforce, which can improve the ratio of set fruit with better quality and higher yield.

To make plants short, and strong, to develop the root system / improved resistance to lodging and stem break.

To make leaves greener and thicker by increasing the photosynthesis and the amount of chlorophyll.

To improve the ratio of fruit set and the quality of fruits

To improve the abilities in drought-resistance / Improved resistance to Eyespot damage.


General directions for using the product according to local recommendations in Turkey;



Time of application                   


(Wheat, barley)

1.25 Lt/ha

At height of wheat or barley at 10-15 cm and tillering to first node appearance (BBCH 30-31)


1 – 1,5 L/ha with

500 to 1000 L water

75-90 days after sowing


Impact: The principal effect of DURDURAN 3C is to inhibit cell elongation at the growing point of treated plants. Energy normally directed to the growing point is redirected causing modification to growth habit. Responses vary according to species, rate of use and timing. Timing is critical for optimum results.



Half fill the spray tank with clean water. Add the required amount of the product into the tank and fill up the tank with clean water while agitating. Keep agitating while spraying. Use a properly-calibrated sprayer to ensure uniform and complete coverage.


COMPATIBILITY: Used and mixed with many kind of pesticides and foliar fertilisers together except high alkaline ones.


Please contact us for more information about the product.Mail to : info@dogaltrm.com